pISSN: 2093-5811

무역보험연구, Vol.20 (2019)

수입국 정부정책의 강도와 FTA 투자규정이 한국 세부 신재생에너지산업에 미치는 영향 분석


(충남대학교 BK 교수)

본연구에서는빈도지수와고급화지수측정방법을이용하여수입국의지원정책강도, 특허 고급화지수(CPSI)그리고FTA투자규정이한국신재생에너지산업국제경쟁력에미치는영향을 분석하였다.분석결과수입국의지원정책강도와국가특허고급화지수는한국의국제경쟁력에 (-) 영향을미쳤으며, FTA 투자규정과수입국지원정책강도의교차항은최종재수출비중이 높은국가에(+) 영향을미쳤다. 이러한결과는다음과같은시사점을제공한다. 먼저정부의 신재생에너지산업지원정책을확대하고, 기술혁신을지속하여국제경쟁력을더욱늘려야한다. 또한향후FTA체결시에는한국의산업별무역구조와수출대상국의특성에맞는협상전략을 수립해야할것이다.
  신재생에너지,지원정책,특허고급화지수,FTA 투자규정,국제경쟁력

Effects of Importing Country’s Government Policy Strength and FTAs Investment Provisions on Classified Korean New-Renewable Energy Industries

YOO, Jin-Man

This study analyzed the effect of the support policy strength, CPSI and FTA investment regulations on the international competitiveness of Korea's new-renewable energy industry using the frequency index and the Sophistication Index measurements. As a result, the strength of the support policy and the Country Patent Sophistication Index of the importing country affected negatively(-) on the international competitiveness of Korea. The cross termof the FTA investment regulation and the strength of the support policy of the importing country had a positive(+) effect on the countrieswith a high export proportion of the final goods. These results provide the following implications. First, the government should expand its support policy for the new-renewable energy industry, and strengthenits international competitiveness through continuous technological innovation. Moreover, when FTA is concluded in the near future, a negotiation strategy should be prepared in accordancewithKorea’s industry-specific trade structure and the characteristics of exporting countries.
  New-Renewable Energy,Government Policy Strength,Country Patent Sophistication Index,FTAs Investment Provisions,International Competitiveness

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